‘Inspiring and Growing
for Fullness of Life’
‘Inspiring and growing for fullness of life’.
At St. James’ this statement really matters and is fundamental to our vision of the journey that pupils take at our school. Our children are all individual and unique; they have all been and are going on a different journey but our mission is to ensure that we develop the whole child, designing a curriculum that enables them to live life to the fullest. This is achieved through a curriculum that is rich in opportunity, steeped in an understanding of pedagogy and engages our pupils at every turn. This is developed further by our subject leaders and teachers in their intent, implementation and impact work
In every year group throughout the school, the teachers have planned a series of topic-based approaches to learning that are firmly rooted upon a set of knowledge and skills that are progressive. Wherever possible, the topic will be used to link together but this is not done at the expense of the curriculum content, particularly with respect to curriculum knowledge. Interwoven throughout our curriculum are our aspects of spiritual growth – these develop a moral and spiritual meaning to the work completed and learning and connections made.
By linking the separate subjects under the umbrella of a topic, we believe the learning becomes more exciting for our children and our teachers, the pupils’ journey is extended by creating meaningful and useful work that helps to deepen their understanding.